Did you know that Coupar Angus and Kettins Curling Club is one of the oldest clubs in Scotland having been founded in 1749, just after the 1745 Jacobite Rising.
Click here to read more about the club’s 275th Anniversary
Curling is a friendly, sociable sport. In order to preserve this history we are always keen to have new members. We play our games at Perth Ice Rink and sometimes Forfar throughout the winter.
All you need is warm comfortable clothes and a pair of clean soled, flat bottomed shoes. You can progress to proper curling shoes once you realise how much fun it is. The Ice Rink provides the curling stones and a brush needed to keep the ice clean and help the stone with speed and direction.
A game usually takes about 2 hours and after play you can retire to the bar for a chat and refreshment. There are four players in each team and we try to travel together whenever possible. Our club usually plays in Perth Ice Rink but there may be opportunities to play in Forfar.
At the start of the season (usually September) there are Beginners classes and we often have “Come and Try” sessions – a good way of trying out the sport, before joining the club and playing in a proper game. Both Perth and Forfar Ice Rink offer beginners classes to learn the basics of the game.
If you are interested in finding out more please contact Matt Dunlop, President on 07831 641885 or Barbara Allan, Secretary on 07709 826027 or email [email protected]

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