Hello everyone
Sunday 10th January 2021
Happy New Year! And here’s to the hope and new possibilities that a new year brings. As we get into a new lockdown, there is hope for the vaccines at the end of this. Christmas for us was a visit from the grandchildren and really lifted the spirits. I hope that you too were able to have some family time over Christmas. The wintry weather is upon us and so it is a good time for lovely walks in the sunshine while trying to avoid the icing patches. Once again we are lucky to live in such a great place and be able to find room to walk outside our houses.
Garden update
So this year I grew lots of new vegetables but I also planted leeks late on so that I could harvest them in the winter. And look how well they are doing!

With the frost I am having to dig through the hard ground but the leeks are fine. It is some years since I grew them. One year there was about 6 inches of snow and I went to get some leeks for the soup and to my surprise/annoyance the deer had eaten the leeks to the snow line! So no disappointment like that this year. I have now to set my mind to what to plant for this summer. What are you planning to grow this year? Got any good growing tips?
Quiz winners
Part of the pensioners party bag was a quiz sheet with Christmas song names to figure out. Thanks to all of those who sent back your correct answers. The winners were May and Bill Haggart. Well done to you. We were delighted to be able to share some festive cheer with the community before Christmas and thank you for al the lovely notes and letters of thanks. Thanks to Ross the Postie that one letter reached us it was addressed to Kettins Community Support Group, Kettins Church, Kettins Community Council. Covered all the bases there! And it arrived.
Church Lights
I have attached a photo of the church lights which were on during the Christmas period. It was really lovely looking out and seeing them shining out. Thanks to Sarah for making this happen. Of course, Church services are not happening at the moment but there is a weekly posting on the Ardler, Kettins and Meigle facebook page and The Guild send out a weekly newsletter. If you would like to receive this, then please let me know and I will ask Evelyn to add you to the list.

Lock down food services
At the beginning of lockdown (March 2020 version), we provided a list of producers that were offering to take orders and make deliveries. https://kettins.org/discover-local-2/ some of the main suppliers are listed here. Blairgowrie Neighbourhood food do deliver to Kettins but you need to ask for this as the postcode will not register for delivery.
As producers have moved on line, so have the local café and pubs moved to a take away service now. So here are a few options that you may want to try – when you need a break from the cooking!
Ardler Tavern – Take Away 7 days a week and collect from 4pm. Meal Deal – January – 2 main meals for £15.00. Full menu on facebook with daily specials. 01828 640037 to order.
Lime Tree Indian – Take away. Full usual menu. Orders from 5pm. 01828628610
The Chippy Coupar – Collection or delivery from 4.30pm 07546 952482
The Flour Coffee Shop and Deli, Meigle – Bread, pizza, burgers. Orders taken. Open for takeaway & collections 1130-7pm Thurs-Sun 01828 640610
If you know of other local take aways, then please let me know and I will feature them in the next edition. Note – The Wright Root, Markethill will be open on Saturday 16th January 2021 10.00am – 2.00pm.
Well it has to be potato and leek soup! I am sure we all have a favourite recipe. Mine is: sweat off leeks and onions, add diced potato and stock to cover. (Sometimes I add a finely diced carrot too). Boil until the potatoes are soft. Soda bread goes really well with this and is simple to make -no yeast required. Great to warm you up after that snowy walk.
Kettins Community Support Group
Kettins Community Support Group consists of volunteers from the Community Council, Guild and Hub committee members covering the Keillor, Kettins, Markethill and Campmuir areas. Support includes shopping, prescriptions, regular email updates, as well as befriending. Anyone can join the email news list by getting in contact. There are also regular posts on the Kettins Parish Hall Facebook page and the village website. www.kettins.org For more information, email [email protected] or call John Smith on 01828 628169.
Keep safe and please send any news that you have to share.