Kettins Parish Hall Update Sept-2020

It is some time since we had a newsletter and oh how the world has changed in the last 6 months. Updates on some of the things that have continued are below.

Kettins Community Support Group

The Community Council, Guild and Kettins Parish Hall all worked together to support our community during the lockdown. Like many other groups, we were collecting prescriptions and shopping as well as supporting people. Many thanks to the group of volunteers who were helping out as well as running the Wee Store and connecting with those in our ‘area’ of Keillor, Kettins, Markethill and Campmuir. As the COVID pandemic continues the group is still available for anyone in the area that requires some support, especially those that are isolating or in quarantine. Please email [email protected]

 Kettins Community Hub

We are very excited that the new building is nearing completion, in spite of all of the challenges. The build was halted for 14 weeks but many thanks to J B Gow and our contractors who have worked hard to do some catching up on our timeline. We have raised nearly £15,000 through the Sponsor a Brick campaign. So thank you to all of those that are supporting us. Our thoughts are now turning to the challenges of opening and operating the hub with all the restrictions in place. Planning for this is taking place and progress will be posted on the facebook page. @kettinsparishhall and the web page There is a community hall, changing rooms and a kitchen as well as the playing field that can be rented. If you are interested in finding out more about renting the hub please contact us on [email protected]

Sponsor a Brick

The Sponsor a Brick campaign is still be open and details can be found here Please remember to complete the Gift Aid if you are eligible.

Ideas for Activities

We are looking for your ideas of community activities that you would like in the new hub. Already suggestions for a Mother and Toddlers, and After School Club and the Village Lunch have been made and we are looking at these. The Primary School are keen to use the hub once they are able to do external trips and we have some other groups that are looking at taking a rental. An idea that has been raised a few times is a weekend café for residents, walkers and cyclists. This is possible as a take away in the current restrictions. What other ideas do you have? If you are interested in any of the ideas here or have something of your own, please let us know so that we can evaluate it as an option, either as an immediate action or something for the longer term. Many thanks.

To contact Kettins Parish Hall or to make an enquiry about booking the hub, please see us on facebook or email [email protected]

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